Last week we talked about where each of us in the 12 Steps, somewhere between Step 1 and Step 3.
We talked about how we can do the steps in clumps, rather than one at a time. And that we can revisit as step anytime.
I am always in a circle from Step one - admitting I am powerless, to remembering that God can restore and maintain my sanity, and then turning my life over to God.
I need to choose a designer for my life, and so far, under my design pattern, there are major problems and road blocks and detours.
I need to choose as my designer.
I need to know that the demons that I battle (or tangle with as the book says) are more powerful me, and I cannot handle them alone, successfully.
I must turn them over to God. I must admit I am powerless over each problem, worry, struggle as I face it, and turn it over to him.
I must remember to do this for today.
Today - I give my life and my will over to him.
Today - I cannot manage and so I leave it to him.
Today - I cannot handle the stress and so I leave the solutions to him to work out.
Today - I struggle with finances, there are no new answers, and I give it him to work out.
Today - I cannot bare the burden of my husband's actions or behaviors or word, I give him to God too. For me, I am worried about the health consequences of his actions. But I am powerless.
Tomorrow - maybe I will do different but for Today this is what I will do.
The activity on page 73 talks about coming up with a routine or ritual for this daily process in my life.
Turning my life over to him, daily - for today.
I am still struggling with the question "what does it mean to take care of myself the best I can". So I am giving that to him too.
I hope that you are all doing well and that your week has been blessed.
I pray that you are getting rest and that you are able to find the time to work the lessons slowly - and write in your journal, and think about how you are treating yourself.
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