Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Step 4 - and beginning our Moral and Spiritual Inventory

Last week we talked a little about Step 4 - and beginning our Moral and Spiritual Inventory and how that looks.
We reviewed the table in the workbook that asks us to list emotions, beliefs and behaviors that we experience that are negative, and try to think of the first instance in our life where we remember feeling this, and how this manifests in our life today.
I started by making the table that she describes in this book, and brainstorming on the negative emotions, behaviors and beliefs that I have. I then skipped to column 4 and rated each of these on the pain scale of 1 -10.
This gave a good idea of prioritizing for me. 
So I think then that I will look at the present, how this is manifesting in my life now, and then continue to search on the origin of this in my life.

We also talked about spending sometime in silence each day. Like quiet meditation - where you sit, with no music, not activity and no people around. 
Trying to quiet your mind and thoughts, and listen to what the Universe, your higher power etc are telling you... spending time in listening mode with our higher power is essential.

How do you do this.... and this seems hard were some comments on this silent part of each day.

Really you want to be still, be silent and let God talk to you.
The best way is to find a quiet and private alone spot where you will not have any interruptions, and turn off your phone.
Then close your eyes and begin to focus on your breathing.
Counting slowing as you inhale to 5
and counting slowly as your exhale as high as you can count.
Then again.
Focusing on how the breathing feeling, how it sounds, what your lungs are doing when you inhale and exhale.
When you find your mind wandering - gently bring it back to focusing on your breathing.

Inline image 1

We also talked more about the frenzy that our minds can bring us to when we are worrying or we are in fear, or anguish over life or personal relationships.
We are to continually remind ourselves that we are powerless and that GOD IS IN CONTROL.
We should find security in the fact that a power so much greater than ourselves is in control of our concerns and our life, because we know then it is in very capable and trustworthy hands.

Are you having trouble giving power and control over in a particular area or relationship in your life? 
Are struggling with holding on to the stress and the pain that comes with this?

Imagine yourself holding tightly to this area of your life. This thing, this relationship. HOLD TIGHT AND SQUEEZE your hands together tightly.
Then open your hands, and see the problem leave your grasp - and fade into the air - for God to handle and control.
This is a great mental image for releasing our tight grasp - and giving our struggle away.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Continuing Forward and Working the Steps - Step 4 and Step 5

I have been looking at Step 4 in the book, and beginning the chart of the Inventory.
I will say that the first couple of times that I have begun this process, the emotions that I must review and list come crashing to the surface so intensely that I have to stop.
I can only give it about 20 minutes in a sitting.

There are some great videos online of people walking through the 4th and 5th Steps. They were very interesting to watch.

Here is one that is just words on the screen set to music that I really enjoyed. 

We are to find someone we trust to help us go through STEP 5. I have a few recommendations for people when this comes up for your step process.

I have to say that in this new year, I have no resolutions. I am just hoping to make it through with a healthy attitude, courageous heart and learning mind.
I am glad to have this group and to have been through Steps 1 - 3 before the new year began
So maybe one resolution:

That I will continue to remember that I am powerless, and that the only way to come back to a life of sanity and to have any semblance of a manageable life, 
I must give my will completely over to Him and that my will must be HIS WILL.
I must LET Go and LET GOD each day, and in every way. 
Moment by Moment